I have Facebook, but ...
I do not have Facebook, but the Mozilla bookmarks to store profiles of famous people, just out of curiosity, how much I have friends on facebook. :-)
fascinating to me, however it comes, how many people know each other and I know them too and all I had no idea that they know each other. Classmate of průmky, living in Ostrava, knows the people from us, and through them, I clicked through to Valmez Rožnov to my friends. It's incredible ...
I vowed that he does not buy as ICQ, Skype, Facebook, or other similar Internet lákače, but just out of curiosity, I wonder how many people would like to combine this, if you added them all among his friends.
Several sources say that if the world, every pair of people assigned a number, giving the smallest number of people who know each other through, the result would be six to seven people! This result indicates several sources said, and it's really incredible! = D