Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Seancody Twins Watch Free

ode to a former roommate ...

You just sucks the flowers
what they think: This will give me ...
beside you live roses
vain to see men in thee. You

ordinary child
likes what he hears: "I want you!"
He said the nation's elite ...
existence ... just an accident ... You

elite shit, nothing
're not equal.
The doctor is playful, but
violates morals.

hundred attributes
the shit you can give
for each attribute that
you very much.

I do not want your mallet
more offensive stools. Right

human beauty is not just meat.

Your word is - treason.
I point the back.
And under the weight of the snake
beautiful roses hassle.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Keratosis Pilaris Tatovering

Coincidence or higher power?

What is given, that we exist? What is given, the birds flying around, running animals, trees grow? What is a given that our Country "live"?

important role played by interactions that exist, without knowing exactly where or when incurred. Through these interactions can combine atoms together, but with the protons and electrons and protons, neutrons with a. .. Combining atoms formed molecules, macromolecules ... Furthermore, it is an organism. :-)

During the study of molecular biology, I had the opportunity to watch this video called Code Points (Drew Berry, 2003) , which clearly shows how it in us, in all probability, it works.
This amazing video is posted on our website for free download

Feel free to click on the link, watch the video worth it. O) I wanted to upload the video here, but its 104 megabytes somehow impossible. :-( I have an external HDD is moody, which is disconnected when he wants, and just when I had video taped about an hour, is disconnected.> :-( But I hope that the curiosity of some readers do not allow to remain over such an amazing video indifferent , moreover, we are only humans and our desire for knowledge is exponential.:-D When we learn something, we need to know about it more.

;-) When I first saw the video, I was amazed.: o) I had it feels as if everyone lived protein. This is because the proteins in the video acts as if it had worked symbiotically, as they live in symbiosis, such as tree and fungus.
Everything happens on the basis of interactions (weak - Van der Waals and others, and strengths - electrostatic, etc.) and is really a mystery how these interactions can give rise to a perfectly well-coordinated system, which is an organism.

I advocate a "chance", but certainly a lot of people (in my neighborhood) who believe in a random assembly. Often it is a proponent of the theory of "creator" - Something / someone created us, not so perfect coincidence. And anyway, where they took power which holds it all together?

What is your opinion?