house on the bay.
Bay cedar Cedar Cove is a picturesque town near Seattle. Residents in love, betray, hate, and spread to everywhere in the world. They have their stories, their secrets. Except that nobody here is anonymous. Someone will always help you solve your problem, even if you do not want? Cecilia and Ian after a year of marriage they want to divorce. Lost their way. Ian, an officer serving in the Navy, was not at home when Cecilia gave birth to their daughter prematurely. He was not well with her during the funeral. Cecilia herself had to deal with despair and pain. Ian has a grudge and can not forgive him, but he obstinately reiterates that the commander gave him the message. Both appear in the divorce hearing, but Olivia Lockhart, a local judge, believes the pair have a chance to live together. He urges them to try to save the relationship. Spouses are reluctant to match with the proposal. Ian comes to the next flight, but more often writes to Cecilia. Letters are becoming more personal, more and more in their beliefs and understanding. But Cecilia still can not cope with guilt and regret. He is afraid to trust again?
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