Friday, April 16, 2010

Mn Hidden Camera In Bedroom

EMO - a celebration of the menstrual cycle!

So not once, as every month, I sit on the toilet and wonder. I feel really bad, everything hurts and I wanted somewhere to flush.

My Kukula unfortunately tolerate my mood swings, which are manifested mainly frequent crying and strong emotional outcomes, if we can call it so to say.

you know, many women will certainly know. Flow out of you an insane amount of blood and the pain travels throughout the body even before you see is bars ...

And it hit me. Šmankote, for I am perhaps the EMO! At this time, as emo SHOWING! I have matted hair and bangs a wannabe begins to form some sort of shoe or something! Nooo!

Luckily, I am writing this a few weeks after my excitement and a "emo-individual" you certainly do not feel. EMO

Comparison of menstruation seems to me quite convenient, I see that sort of form. This style was accidentally "invented" here in order to celebrate women's menstruation?
: D No, seriously. Strong enough doubt on previous assertions, however, is a bit emo about each of us ... ;-)


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