Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ex-naval Ships For Sale

About one such as the tram stopped

When garden (pardon!! - Garden) in the Warsaw residence of the President has been completely wypielony, and the grass and wygrabiona skoszona, Dariusz blinking modestly sat on the steps of that entrance to the villa. He was convinced that the work done with the toil is the only price you pay for him to come, "devoid of accountability, full of brawling libel" - how little finesse deigned to determine the president lists created during Sunday juroposła elevation.

Moments later, the secretary of the President of pipe shattered the last hopes niepraktykującego out of the political scientist, calling him an urgent meeting to the headquarters of scorns and sabotage of the street where there became militia. Dariusz blinking was well aware that the telephone with the Secretariat of the President is not usually heralds a nice conversation with tea and bezach (to the President, moreover, is, do not know why, a huge aversion). Waiting for the audience, he witnessed a strange event. Four young boys from the party militias into the office bringing with any pipe boxes. Despite a fair construction of bodies and faces niezdradzających intelligentsia of origin, the boys moved like a delicate ballerinas, taking care that no box is not dropped out of their hands. Sure pipe ordered new china - Darius thought blinking.

content boxes Soon she was no longer shrouded in any mystery. Spread the president focused on the table, photographs of the teenage years with her mother in the garden with my aunt Hanna at the Sunday picnic in the park, again with my mother - the name-grandmother. Another box was hidden in the pictures from the next pipe stage of life. One of the photos captured the moment of the first and only, as it later turns out, dating from Lucyna, others ukazywało smug fledgling graduate of one of the best national universities, regenerating force after a hard day at time favorite way - by dipping the legs in a bowl of warm water (the right side of the frame - proud of his son's mother).

- It is not - said the president, setting aside more and reaching for the next box. At that time, in the head sitting obediently at the end of the cabinet of Darius Pulsed whirled a variety of thoughts. None of them dared to share with the president, as well as it's not asked, still waiting for this last command, which will help him atone all sins against the party and leader, which has been guilty of making public the previously mentioned letter.
view the contents of the boxes clearly excited the next president almost sprang to his chair. This photo from the 80s of last century, so it excited. Here - under a monument, on another picture - in the park with her mother, yet others - during the "domówki" with colleagues. After reviewing all the photographs, however, saddened, and he fell zmarkotniał of the forces, though still not agreeing readily with a view to emptiness of those years.

minute later, after przewertowaniu cavernous and cluttered his desk drawer (since the mother did in the order expired almost a year), pulled out a pair of scissors and cut out the passion in the face of the pics fragments of his round face (because each of the specimens had the shape of an almost standard wheel).

Returning an hour later to his Warsaw apartment (niepraktykujący now) political scientist did not even try to hide his face resign. By tomorrow morning, the President received from twenty-three face had extra money necessary background for presenting important Polish events of thirty years, in which the president has played, of course, crucial and decisive role, and the photographic documentation of all evil and unfriendly removed his enemies . Here, then, selected by Darius pulsed present the background the tram stopped by the flute, the moment of signing the agreements by August and jump over the fence three and półmetrowy.


convergence of people, places and circumstances - a coincidence.


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