Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Persian Women Rubber Gloves

want to read interesting voices in the discussion.

Kobiety uczą Kościół

Why do women have in the Church so little to say?

Why, despite the fact that half the world's Catholic faithful, are unable to articulate what the Church does not accept what they see in him for the role and what they expect from the Church?

Jaroslaw Makowski journalist invited to the talks mainly Catholics - lay people and sisters - to talk about his understanding of faith, spirituality, feminism and the Church. Among the interviewers were: Elizabeth Adamiak, feminist theologian, who struck for independence Halina Bortnowska, and an intellectual who writes about Catholic Church Gronkiewicz-Waltz, former president of the Polish National Bank, was Mayor of Warsaw, and Anna Karon-Ostrowska, Editor of "ties" that talk about balancing the role of a mother and a Catholic with work. In the book, there were also Polish feminist perspective - including Magdalena Środa, which has for a long time leads to the Church because it views them as an influential institution that should be more involved in the case of women. Church loses when it ignores the voice of his followers, and not only because young, educated women do not agree any longer on the role that they previously proposed.


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